
Here are some Faction Paradox related links that I find to be interesting, informative, or useful.

Title/Link Description

The official Faction Paradox website. Currently pretty barren, but the website says there will be updates soon. (old)

An archived version of the last iteration of the original, Lawrence Miles designed, Faction Paradox webpage. Lots of very cool stuff is on there.

Obverse Books

The current licensed publisher of Faction Paradox prose stories, as well as at least one musical album. You can order Faction Paradox novels directly from Obverse, although shipping outside of the UK can be a little expensive. The Faction Paradox category can be found here.

Who North America

Who North America is one of the largest sources of Doctor Who products in North America. Because of its origins in the Doctor Who novels, Faction Paradox books and audios can also be found here. This is an invaluable resource to any Faction Paradox fan in North America, since it's probably the most comprehensive place to buy Faction Paradox content, with reasonable shipping prices. You can get lots of Faction Paradox books here, and they even have a few CDs of the audio dramas. The Faction Paradox category is here.

Random Static

Random Static was the second company to publish prose Faction Paradox stories (only ever releasing one novel, Newtons Sleep). You can purchase Newtons Sleep as well as a few other Faction Paradox stories on their website.

The Stacks

The Stacks was an archive of Faction Paradox fanworks of all different varieties. While it was hosted on a section of Random Static's website, it was not an official effort, being made and maintained by fans, with space on Random Static's site simply being lent to them. Pay attention to the authors on here - you'll notice many of them went on to write official Faction Paradox stories! While the archive is still up, it hasn't been updated since 2013, so I'd advise against expecting any new updates any time soon.

Mad Norwegian Press

Mad Norwegian Press was the first company to publish Faction Paradox prose stories. While they no longer have the license, and the website hasn't been updated in quite some time, it can still be cool to look through.

Magic Bullet Productions

Magic Bullet Productions was the second company to publish Faction Paradox audio dramas. The True History of Faction Paradox audio adventures are still available for purchase from their website, along with lots of cool production information about Faction Paradox and their other productions. Note that clicking the big "Magic Bullet" graphic on the homepage will bring you to their BlogSpot newsfeed. To get to the main part of the website, click any of the links below that.

BBV Productions

BBV Productions was both the first and most recent company to publish officially licensed Faction Paradox audio dramas. Due to some serious controversies around BBV, I do not recommend buying anything from them, but their site can be cool to look around. The Faction Paradox section is here.


Philip Purser-Hallard's website. Philip Purser-Hallard has been involved in Faction Paradox since the beginning, being responsible for the creation of the City of the Saved . On his site, you can find information on all the books he's written, as well as a blog.

Curufea - The Faction Paradox Website

Another Faction Paradox fan page, hosted on Curufea's personal site. Lots of cool stuff is on here, including archives of interviews with Lawrence Miles, and a wiki-based catalog of fan-made apocryphal additions to The Book of the War (these additions are of...varying quality).

The Faction Paradox Wiki

A fan wiki dedicated to information on all things Faction Paradox. Unfortunately, it's not very active, but it's still a good resource.

TARDIS Data Core

The Doctor Who wiki, with very in-depth coverage of Doctor Who and many other series connected to Doctor Who, including Faction Paradox. Very good coverage of Faction Paradox.

The Faction Paradox Community

The old Faction Paradox forums. Shut down now, with no sign of ever being reopened, but still nice to go through the archives and see older discussions of Faction Paradox.

Mags L. Halliday

Mags L. Halliday's official website. Mags L. Halliday wrote Warring States. Most of the site is not Faction Paradox-oriented, though.

Lance Parkin

Lance Parkin's official website. Lance Parkin wrote Warlords of Utopia. On his website, you can find information about all the books he's written and some interviews. Due to his short association with the franchise (only writing the one novel) and his wide ranging activity, the site does not actually have that much that's Faction Paradox related, but it's still worth checking out.


Tumblr is probably the biggest hub of Faction Paradox fans on the internet. Here are several Faction Paradox focused blogs. Blogs by official Faction Paradox writers are bolded.

Title/Link Description
Obverse Books

Obverse Books' official Tumblr page. Not much here that can't be found on their website.

On the Fringes of War

The Faction Paradox-centered blog of Nate Bumber, who has been published in the anthologies The Book of the Enemy and The Book of the Peace. Has a lot of great theories, essays, and lots of reblogs of good fan content.

Aristide Twain

The blog of Aristide Twain, who wrote the great audio Sabbath and the King for BBV. There's a good amount of Faction Paradox content here, but the blog is not dedicated to it, and there's also a lot of posts about his other interests.

Brakespeare Voyages

The Tumblr blog of Simon Bucher-Jones, who has been with the series since The Book of the War, co-wrote The Brakespeare Voyage, and has written several short stories in the various anthologies. Not very active on Tumblr.


The Tumblr blog of Blair Bidmead, who wrote Weapon's Grade Snake Oil and a few short stories, and also did the cover art for Tales of the Great Detectives. Blog is more-or-less Faction Paradox focused.

Fashion Paradox

Page which posts art that fits into Faction Paradox's aesthetic.

Faction Paradox Official

Fan blog that stays "in-character" as being an actual blog run by Faction Paradox. Not officially associated with the series, despite the name.

Cousin Ettolrahc Dvora

Faction Paradox fan blog.


Faction Paradox fan blog. Posts a lot of cool fan theories and short fan fiction.

Fraction Paradox Unofficial

Faction Paradox fan blog.

A Family of Paradox

Faction Paradox fan blog.

Notes in the Archives

Blog which posts very good Faction Paradox fan content. Unfortunately, it has not been active since 2019.

Wartime Stories

Blog which posts pseudo-encyclopaedic fan fiction in the style of the Book of the War. Hasn't been updated since 2013, though.

Big Finish Sketches

The Tumblr blog of Niki Haringsma, who wrote two stories in The Book of the Peace. Not Faction Paradox centered.

Batman Misses His Dog!

The Tumblr blog of Jacob Black, who has written several short stories since his first one in The Book of the Enemy. As the name suggests, it is not exclusively (or even primarily) devoted to Faction Paradox.

Kara Dennison Writes

The Tumblr blog of Kara Dennison, who has written several stories set in the City of the Saved. Not Faction Paradox centered.